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leviathan • Bibl. sea monster. Can refer to a number of imaginary sea creatures, especially those of very large size. Whales were also commonly called Leviathans in a general and often negative connotation.
- English
- Leviathan
- Portuguese
- Leviatã; Monstro
- Norwegian
- Leviatan
- Dutch
- Leviathan; Zeemonster
- German
- Leviathan; Seeungeheuer; Seeungetüm
- French
- Léviathan
- Spanish
- Leviatán; Monstruo
- Catalan
- Leviatà; Monstre
- Italian
- Leviatano; Mostro
- Greek
- Creole
- Monstru (Island of Santiago, Cape Verde)
- Monstlu (Forro, creoule of São Tomé and Príncipe)
Animals leviathan may refer to:
- Brito, C., N. Vieira & J.G. Freitas (2019). The wonder whale: a commodity, a monster, a show and an icon. Anthropozoologica 54 (3): 13-27. https://doi.org/10.5252/anthropozoologica2019v54a3
- Video De monstruos a símbolos, de héroes a criminales, narrated by Daniel Quiroz