Atouguia da Baleia
From Marinelexicon
Marine Lexicon — Marine mammals — Mythical creatures — Activities related to marine mammals — Toponomy — Zooarchaeology — Historical sources — Cite Marine Lexicon

Atouguia da Baleia • In 1526, a huge whale was stranded here that gave Atougia da Baleia its name.
- Teixeira, A., R. Venâncio & C. Brito (2014). Archaeological remains accounting for the presence and exploitation of the North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis on the Portuguese coast (Peniche, West Iberia), 16th to 17th century. PLOS ONE 9(2): e85971. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085971).
- Brito, C. & V. Jordão (2014). A baleación medieval e moderna en Portugal: Que nos din as fontes históricas? Eubalaena nº 14: 28-40.