Sea monster
From Marinelexicon
Marine Lexicon — Marine mammals — Mythical creatures — Activities related to marine mammals — Toponomy — Zooarchaeology — Historical sources — Cite Marine Lexicon
sea monster • Generic name for any imaginary sea creature.
- English
- Sea monster
- Portuguese
- Monstro marinho
- Norwegian
- Sjømonster; Havmonster
- Dutch
- Zeemonster
- German
- Seeungeheuer; Seeungetüm
- French
- Monstre marin
- Spanish
- Italian
- Greek
- Creole
- Brito, C. (2016). New Science From Old News: Sea monsters in the early modern Portuguese production and transfer of knowledge about the natural world. Scientia et Historia, Escola de Mar nº 1. ISBN: 978-989-9931-11-4
- Brito, C. (2019). Fantasy, Cryptozoology and/or Reality: Interconnected stories of mythological creatures and marine mammals. In: Mário S. Ming Kong. Maria do Rosário Monteiro & Maria João P. Neto (Eds) PHI: Intelligence, Creativity and Fantasy. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, Leiden: 335-351.
- Hendrikx, S. 2018. Monstrosities from the Sea. Taxonomy and tradition in Conrad Gessner’s (1516-1565) discussion of cetaceans and sea-monsters, in Jacquemard, C., B. Gauvin, M.-A. Lucas-Avenel, B. Clavel & T. Buqet (éds), Animaux aquatiques et monstres des mers septentrionales (imaginer, connaître, exploiter, de l’Antiquité à 1600). Anthropozoologica 53 (11): 125-137.
- Leclercq-Marx, J. (2018). Entre tradition classique et imaginaire germano-celtique : les monstres anthropomorphes des mers septentrionales, au Moyen Âge et au début de l’époque moderne, in Jacquemard C., Gauvin B., Lucas-Avenel M.-A., Clavel B. & Buquet T. (éds), Animaux aquatiques et monstres des mers septentrionales (imaginer, connaître, exploiter, de l’Antiquité à 1600). Anthropozoologica 53 (3): 53-65.