
From Marinelexicon
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In the course of the creation of this thesaurus, our team have come across numerous useful books, websites, and other resources that are too extensive to include, but that we would like to share. We also list museums that have relevant (permanent) exhibitions.


  • Oudemans, A.C., 1892. The great sea-serpent. An historical and critical treatise, Brill, Leiden, London. Can be downloaded from:
  • Szabo, V.E., 2008. Monstrous Fishes and the Mead-Dark Sea. Whaling in the Medieval North Atlantic, Brill, Leiden, Boston.


  • Ecomare on the island of Texel (the Netherlands) is a museum that has exhibitions on the ecosystems and wildlife in the North Sea and Wadden Sea, including a whale hall.
  • Hvalfangstmuseet or the "Whaling Museum" in Sandefjord, Norway certainly is worth a visit.
  • The Municipal Museum of Peniche (Portugal) has the whale bones and objects found at Atouguia da Baleia on display.
  • The National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) has an exhibition on whales and the history of whaling.
  • The Natural History Museum (University Museum of Bergen, Norway) has one of the largest collections of whale skeletons on display in the famous "whale hall".
  • The Whale Museum in Andenes, Lofoten (Norway) is dedicated to whale biology.
  • The Zaans Museum in Zaandam (the Netherlands) has an exhibition on Dutch whaling and art related to whaling.
