
Marine Lexicon is a cooperation initiative between Portugal and Norway, funded by EEA Grants and CHAM – Centre for the Humanities, aiming at the construction of a thesaurus of European common names of marine mammals (cetaceans, seals and sea lions, and sirenians), symbolic elements (sea monsters, hybrid beings, folklore creatures) represented in the early modern age (15th-18th centuries) and place names related to the exploitation of marine mammals.
Browse our thesaurus here or visit the project's website at:
To cite Marine Lexicon, please use:
Baço, J., Brito, C., Carvalho, P., Garcia, A.C., Hufthammer, A.K., Takken Beijersbergen, L.M., Vieira, N. (2021). Marine Lexicon, version 1.0. URL: